Cleans Better, Dries Faster, Stays Cleaner Longer, and It Smells Great!

Cleaning Ceiling Fans

Citrus Carpet Cleaning


Everyone likes “FREE!”

Like carpet, most people don’t notice how dirty their ceiling fans or HVAC returns are. Both the returns and the fans are probably overlooked equally and thus can have A LOT of dust, dirt, debris and hair on them.

Citrus Carpet Cleaning


When you have Citrus Carpet Cleaning in your home IF we notice they need to be cleaned. We usually look intentionally, we will vacuum your ceiling fans and HVAC returns the best we can as a THANK YOU for having us in your home. Unless of course, we can’t reach them.

Most vents and returns are not this bad, yours probably aren’t, but almost always go unnoticed and we are happy to clean them for you at no charge to you! We appreciate your business and know everyone likes to get more than what the expected.



Citrus Carpet Cleaning