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Double Play ATL

Double Play ATL


A lot of people have “old,” worn out baseball and softball equipment they no longer use. Double Play ATL is a local non profit that collects unwanted baseball and softball equipment and gives it to kids who want to play ball, but do not have the gear.

You probably have some old gear you or your kids are not using anymore. Or you may know someone that has some unused equipment that Double Play ATL could get into the hands of some very anxious and excited kids.

Double Play ATL “Helping kids who want to play but lack the gear.”

“At Double Play ATL, we are driven by a single goal; to help kids who want to play but lack the gear. In our small way, we want to make the world a better place.  We strive to build community relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits. With the help of our community and partners, we have donated over 6,000 pieces of equipment estimated at $60,000. In recent years, through our partnerships with Nike and Madewell, we have expanded our mission to recycle not just sports gear, but athletic shoes and jeans. These are turned into playgrounds and home insulation.”

Double Play ATL


You can get involved in helping, donating by getting in touch with Double Play ATL via their website or their facebook page.

They can also be contacted via email