Cleans Better, Dries Faster, Stays Cleaner Longer, and It Smells Great!

How To Disinfect Air

Business Disinfecting Atlanta GA

According to the CDC*, ozone is used in many industries. It is used for purifying air and drinking water, in industrial waste treatment, oils, bleaching and waxes, and to make other chemicals.

The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization recommend (1,2) using a bleach solution as one way to disinfect areas contaminated with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). If the CDC is recommending bleach, imagine how much better a disinfectant that is more than 3,000 times FASTER the bleach will work on Caronavirus!

Why Ozone (O3)?

1) Most importantly it is SAFE!
OZONE is how mother nature sanitizes and disinfects. So yes it is “GREEN.”
2) It is FAST and more importantly EFFECTIVE!
OZONE is more than 3,000 times FASTER than bleach, plus it is 50% STRONGER!


An Ozone Disinfecting Treatment is the process of elevating the concentration of Ozone to optimum levels required to Sanitize, Deodorize & Disinfect an enveloped area. This space must be evacuated and cannot be occupied for the duration of the treatment.

We can Eliminate Cigarette Odor from a vehicle in 30-45 minutes and actually eliminate many Odors in a home or business in as little as 6 hours!

Our Ozone sanitizing treatment produces Ozone concentrations powerful enough to Eradicate:
ALL Unpleasant Odors – Cigarette Smoke, Mold/ Mildew, Pet, Ethnic Food (Garlic & Curry), Skunk, Urine, Manure, Organic Matter and Decaying Matter


Ozone (O3 ) is sometimes referred to as “Activated Oxygen”, “Triatomic Oxygen” or “Super Oxygen”.  It contains three atoms of oxygen (O3 ) rather than the two in the air that we breathe (O2 ). Ozone is the Second Most Powerful Natural Disinfectant in the world and is used to Improve Indoor Air Quality by destroying Indoor odors. Ozone occurs quite readily in nature, as a result of lightning strikes that occur during thunderstorms. In fact, the fresh clean smell that we notice outdoors after a thunderstorm is a result of nature’s creation of ozone. Ozone comprises the atmospheric shield that protects us from the sun’s ultra-violet radiation, this natural Ozone layer should not be confused with the Ozone Gas Disinfecting Process we utilize.

Green Odor Treatment


  • Powerful – Second most powerful, natural disinfectant.
  • Fast – 3,125 times faster and 50% stronger than Chlorine (Bleach).
  • Safe – Ozone (O3) reverts back to air (O2) naturally making it 100% Environmentally Friendly.
  • Clean – Leaves no chemicals or residue after treatment and is non-carcinogenic.
  • Effective – Efficiently sanitizes and deodorizes areas that chemicals cannot reach.
Our advanced Ozone generation system destroys odors by Utilizing High levels of Ozone to attack and Oxidize the odor molecule. Once the odorous substance has been oxidized/destroyed the odor cannot return, provided the source has been removed.


Absolutely Safe WHEN all people, pets and plants are removed from the premises being treated – NO Exceptions. For the entire duration of the process the treatment area must not be occupied. Nothing else on the premises, including food, will be harmed by the Ozone disinfecting treatment.


The process typically takes 1-8+ hours.  Factors that determine treatment times are:

  • Degree of Contamination/Intensity of the odor.
  • Cubic Feet of air in the contaminated area to be treated, and
  • Design/layout of the Premises.

In severe cases more time may be required.


There are currently no examples in the public domain, of ozone sterilization being used to kill the current strain of Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 (technical name of the Coronavirus which causes the COVID-19 disease). However, there are reasons to believe it would be effective:

  • During the SARS epidemic of 2003, ozone sterilization was successfully used to purify environments infected with the deadly Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-1, the virus which causes the SARS disease.
  •  As SARS-Cov-1 is also a member of the Coronavirus family, it is highly likely that ozone sterilization would be effective at killing SARS-CoV-2, the Coronavirus which causes the COVID-19 disease.


Coronaviruses are classified as “enveloped viruses”, which are typically more susceptible to “Physico-chemical challenges”. In other words, they don’t like being exposed to ozone.

Ozone destroys this type of virus by breaking through the outer shell into the core, resulting in damage to the viral RNA. Ozone can also damage the outer shell of the virus in a process called oxidation.

Put simply, exposing Coronaviruses to sufficient ozone dose (ppm x time) can result in them being 99% damaged or destroyed.*

Our Ozone Shock Treatment Process is Safe, Simple, Efficient, and Non-Invasive.   The air that we breathe greatly affects our quality of life. The Ozone Process will ensure that your indoor air is clean, fresh and safe.


Ozone is the strongest disinfectant available to the public, and has safely has been used for decades in homes and businesses. Ozone has been proven to kill 99.999 percent of pathogens in the air, including SARS Coronavirus and influenzas such as H5N1, researchers anticipate that it may be an important tool in preventing the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

COVID-19 is an enveloped virus. In past studies, 99 percent of viruses have been destroyed and showed damage to their envelope proteins after 30 seconds of exposure to ozone. This can result in the virus’s failure to attach to normal, healthy cells, and the breakdown of the single-stranded RNA can lead to the destruction of the virus.*


Absolutely Safe WHEN all people, pets and plants are removed from the premises being treated – NO Exceptions! For the entire duration of the process the treatment area must not be occupied. Nothing else on the premises, including food, will be harmed by the Ozone Disinfecting Treatment.

Citrus Carpet Cleaning Auburn GA


We are able to treat your child care facility, home, commercial office space, church, restaurant, etc.. Our treatment is a gas, not a liquid, it gets EVERYWHERE air is. EVERYTHING is treated, everywhere that can’t be reached with a wipe or a spray is treated because the gas does. PLUS it is more than 3,000 TIMES faster than bleach and 50% stronger sanitizer!