Cleans Better, Dries Faster, Stays Cleaner Longer, and It Smells Great!


When it comes to Spring cleaning, or cleaning anytime for that matter, it’s important not to forget the largest air filter in your home. Your CARPET! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends having your carpets and upholstery cleaned at least every six months. Your carpet can play a huge role in your indoor air quality (IAQ).


Today IAQ is an important environmental consideration. Because we spend approximately 90 percent of our time indoors, we must do everything possible to improve the air we breathe. During the energy crisis of the ’70s, Americans began to tightly close their workplaces and homes in order to conserve energy resources. Currently, many families have both parents working, with less cleaning time in the home. Ventilation and cleanliness play important parts in maintaining good air quality; although, the indoor environment is impacted by many factors. Unfortunately most people only clean their carpets for appearance. Carpet cleaning is first, and foremost a health issue and secondly an appearance issue. Ninety (90%) of the carpet cleaning process is to deliver a healthy carpet. The other ten (10%) is to remove surface soils, which we label as cosmetic cleaning.
A clean carpet creates a healthy environment. The bottom line is that a carpet should be cleaned when it’s biologically soiled, not when is it’s visually soiled. Visually soiled is normally way past biologically soiled. Carpet cleaning should be promoted primarily for health reasons and not to just a clean carpet.
Microbes, by their count, inherit the earth; some good and some bad. Most are harmless. Basic carpet cleaning chemistry in its cleaning process has the ability to eliminate certain microbes by disrupting their environment. A carpet cleaning using the Citrus Carpet Cleaning Process will minimize the life makeup of microbes.
Essentially, household fabrics have a zoo of microbial bugs. There are some interesting figures about bugs in general: An estimated 80% of house dust consists of “skin fluff.” “Skin fluff” is the broken off skin particles that are constantly shed from the skin’s surface. These keratinized, or protein-based cells, are pushed off by new cells in the dermis layer. This process occurs about every 12 weeks.
It stands to reason that if skin fluff is only one major constituent, there are other bug attractants in our unhealthy carpet scenario. Free roaming insects that have entered the house (flies, mosquitoes, spiders, etc.) have died or left their casings, and will be fodder for other insects or microbes. This residue will become organic matter that resides almost permanently in the fabric. No vacuum cleaner will ever remove microbial development.
Dust mites, also known as Dermatophophagordes pteronyssimus, have been acknowledged as one of the biggest offenders. Measuring in at approximately 0.01 of an inch long, the dust mite enjoys the moisture and warmth of a sealed home—which becomes an endless supply of food. Rest assured that this species will have a long fruit-full life, until the dreaded carpet cleaner enters their forbidden jungle.
A bedroom could be classified as a kingdom. Frequently, washed pillowcases can easily result in a head count of 10,000 or more dust mites. Poor cleaning practices on the other hand can easily result in 400,000 mites.

There are many methods that can remove various pests of the carpet, but they are not equal. Traditional methods of carpet cleaning are shampooing and “steaming” using truck-mounted equipment.  If you think shampoo is good for your carpet, next time you shampoo your hair, ­don’t rinse and see how well that works! This is one reason traditionally cleaned carpets re-soil so quickly. The sticky residue traps the dirt in the fibers. Another reason is that the truck-mounted systems are not able to get out all of water they have just forced into your carpet. The pad under the carpet is still wet, the spots/stains were forced down into the carpet. They typically come back in about two weeks because as the water evaporates, the spots/dirt that were forced down, now “wick” back to the surface again. Have you ever notice how difficult it is to get all the soap out of a sponge? If you had a leak in your home that let in as much water as the truck-mounted cleaners leave in your home, you’d be on the phone with your insurance agent.


Citrus Carpet Cleaning – Suwanee, Sugar Hill & Buford, on the other hand, uses a dry cleaning fluid process with a twist of lemon, orange, and grapefruit! Not a Chem-ical. Our cleaner is powered by a citrus solvent extracted from citrus peels. You take your fine clothes to the dry cleaner to avoid damage caused by soap and water. We use Citrus for the same reason! The citrus is very effective against greases and soils as well as fighting the yellowing and oxidation that can dull your carpet. Citrus Carpet Cleaning – Suwanee cleans and treats your carpet without leaving a sticky, soapy residue.
As mentioned earlier, we clean using a citrus solvent based cleaner that we pre-spray into the carpet. Our Citrus cleans great without leaving a sticky residue, or Chem-icals in the carpet. Then we use a rotary machine with the dirtnapper system. This bonnet and brush system cleans the carpet fiber and wicks up debris from deep in the carpet. We finish by using a Lindhaus vacuum to dry vacuum the carpet. We use the Citrus Carpet Cleaning Process because is cleans better, dries faster, stays cleaner longer, and it smells GREAT!!


At Citrus Carpet Cleaning – Suwanee we DO NOT:

We are the only No-Strings-Attached carpet cleaners in the country.

Not only do we want to be in your home today, we want to be in the homes of your children tomorrow.

The Citrus Carpet Cleaning Process is healthier for your family, and it’s more effective on your carpet.

J.R. Mitchell, Owner
Citrus Carpet Cleaning – Suwanee, Sugar Hill & Buford, GA
770-NO-STEAM (667-8326)